Saturday, 19 November 2011

All things beautiful

And so I join the wonderful world of blogging...  albeit almost a decade behind in the inception of blogging for some.

A short introduction.... I am a graphic designer by day and explorer of all things and beings different at all other times. I search out and I suppose, have made a habit of always seeing the quirky side in any situation. At the same time I have a sneaky suspicion that Murphy spends most of his time following me, just waiting for some opportunity to pull his jester moves and produce some bizarre situation. I am also quite convinced that my mothers' actual maiden name may well be Murphy, as she is also bestowed with the great treasure of having the most strange events happen in the most quirky of ways. The upside to this is that there seems to be some balancing law of salvation
though, in that the most uncanny things happen in my life, yet can be looked back on with gratitude at various situations and know how lucky I was to be able to look back and laugh, unscathed.

I do however believe, that happiness is a choice. Having a positive outlook on life and not sweating the small stuff, goes a long way to coping with the curve balls that life throws us. 

The funny thing is, we have as humans, known this for years and decades and ions gone by.  Like a homing pigeon is programmed to come back to the roost, we know at the center of our beings, we can choose. Yet we don't...

We refer to a glass being either half full or half empty. This is a perfect example. How we look at something makes all the difference in our perception of it. Which in turn influences how we feel about something, and that my friends, is the trick. How we feel about something. Anything. Everything. Ourselves. Others. Life. We have a choice in how we feel.  And how we feel and think about everything dictates what happens in our lives. Our thoughts create our reality.

Its not always easy to curb your thinking if being negative has become a habit, but with time and practice and being patient with yourself, you realize that, "Hey, I can do this and it is actually working!" And you retrain your mind and soul to choose happiness and see the beauty in everything. 

I laugh at the Jester's jokes that cross my path in life because that's what they are. Jokes. An opportunity to utilize them to find my underlying strengths and be aware that I have a choice to be happy and smell the sweet heady smell of the roses.

1 comment:

  1. I think I need a clicker to count the number of times I laugh in a day - happy is as happy does! Eugh, what an awful wannabe cliché! But true...
    Helen -- Firenze Cards
